Register now for the 2025 CrossFit Games Open!
Take the 2025 Judges course!
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18-minutes of:
100-ft Farmer carry (2 x 50/35)
300m Row
50-ft Lunges w/ switch grip (2 x 50/35)
200m Run
For score
…rest 7:00, then…
With a 10:00 running clock, find a heavy single:
Hang power snatch
For max load
Post results and experiences to comments
Scaled this to a longer AMRAP (30:00) because I didn’t do the lift.
25# DBs
Got 6 full rounds
118 (only ran 100 m)
25# Farmers Carry
15# Lunges
Hang Snatch
116 (into 4th round. Had run left)
35# farmer walk
15# lunges
53# 1 RM in 10 min Hang snatch
R shoulder still hurting!
Cwod 87 30# farmer carry
3lb lunges
140 reps
35# for all movements
First WOD back from week of the flu. Felt good to sweat from exertion!
3 rounds + 20ft into lunges (i think lol)
108# hang power snatch