Monday, 24 February 2020


General warm-up:

Bike 2:00

10 Samsons

12 Hand-release push-ups

14 v-ups

14 Squats

12 Shoulder press w/T’s

10 Pull-ups

Row 2:00

20m Lunges

10 PVC passovers

10 PVC windmills


Specific warm-up:

2 cycles of Burgener warm-up

7 Hang power cleans(45/33)

5 Power cleans (75/53)

4 Power cleans (95/63)

3 Squat cleans (115/78)

2 Squat cleans (135/93)

4 Deadlifts (155/103)

1 Squat clean (155/103)

2 Deadlifts (185/123)



“So, let’s do a little work”

2000m Row or 1 mile Run*

For Time


…Rest 3 minutes, then…

200 Speed Skips

30 Alternating Overhead Lunges (45/35)

20 Body Blasters

10 Deadlifts (185/123)*

150 Jump Rope Singles

21 Box Overs (24/20″)

15 Toes-2-Bar

9 Squat Cleans (155/103)*

100 Double Unders

15 Clapping Push-ups

10 Strict Pull-ups

5 Snatches (135/93)*


For Time


…Rest 3 minutes, then…

1000m Row or 800m Run*


For Time

Compare to Wednesday, 11 April 2018

*Each athlete uses their own bar. Build the bar as needed for each exercise. Clapping push-ups start in the up position, lower body as one piece, explode of the ground and clap hands under chest while in the air. Athlete chooses run or row at the beginning, but then has to do the opposite at the end.


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 22



Olympic Wall Squat

Sink Mobilization

Hip Capsule

Barbell Shoulder Smash



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