Monday, 23 September 2024

Register to Compete or Volunteer for the Festivus Games 2024!



10/8 Calories ski

10/8 Calories bike

10/8 Calories row

200m Run

20/16 Calories ski

20/16 Calories bike

20/16 Calories row

400m Run

30/24 Calories ski

30/24 Calories bike

30/24 Calories row

600m Run


For time

(30:00 cap)


Accessory Work:

1:00 Max reps plate push-ups*

2:00 Rest


3 Rounds for score

*Plate push-ups are performed by athlete placing feet and hands on 35# bumper plates. Athlete lowers down to chest touching an ab mat. ONLY the chest is allowed to tough. Thighs must stay off the ground during the entire push-ups. Scaling options will be posted at gym.



Post results and experiences to comments

9 Responses
  1. Jimmy Ellis

    Felt good the entire WOD. Coach told me to give 70-80% effort coming back from trip. I walked from station to station.

    38/32/26 = 96
    Chest was toast!

    Kile was:

    38/29/22 = 89