5-person Competative Team Champions,
MP CrossFit!
Hopper Week
Day 1
The WOD’s this week will be decided by a class member pulling a WOD out of the hooper.
“Expect the unexpected”!! 🙂
Post WOD with time, # of rounds, max reps, etc. to comments
Great job Danny, Robert, Fred and Erin on our victory at the Mud Run! You did AWESOME!!
Did you get all the mud out?! 🙂
Stacy says…..
Also great job to Jaime, Amber, Stacy and Mark for competing in the un-timed run. Way to get down and dirty!!!
Oh..what a week to be out of town!! Enjoy your daily surprise. I'll be back on Thursday. See you all soon 🙂
Good job everyone on the Mud Run!!!
FYI..Lou will be in Houston this week and start treatment on Tuesday. Prayers are appreciated!!
Mud Run champs on fire…awesome job!! Jimmy, Fred, Robert, Danny, Erin, Jaime, Stacy, Amber and Mark – get ready for a kettle bell, wall ball shot parade.
Rhonda, you and Lou take all our prayers, vibes, candles lighting and skywriting – you got it all. Godspeed and travel safely!!
Congrats to all the Mud Runners!!
Daniel 28.05
55# thrusters
1.5 PLU
3 minutes slower than May 24, 2010..bummer
Rhonda, I'm thinking of you and Lou. Stay positive and remember to take care of yourself. MDAnderson can be an overwhelming and depressing environment.
Daniel – 31:19
45 lb Thrusters
1" band
Progress! May 24 was 25:36
1 RD 30# Thrusters
1 RD 45# Thrusters
1 1/2" band
Congrats on the Mud Run win! Way to go!
Congrats Michel on the improved workout!
5 Rounds
20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Situps
50 Squats
40:24, 1.5" band, knee pushups
This is going to be an interesting week!
A huge CONGRATS to our Mud Run champions and to Lesley and Erin on their strong finishes at the F3 Sprint Tri!! We have a bunch of incredible athletes at MP CrossFit…thanks, Jimmy!
Our 6:30 class pulled "Daniel" from the hopper…33:13
32# thrusters
I started off with 1.5", then moved to 1.75", and had to add another 1/4" for the last 20 or so…nasty rip, ouch!
Rhonda, we all have you and Lou in our thoughts.
30:04 Rx'd Barbara. Mucho prayers for Lou.
I didn't even have chance on my side today!! Jimmy decided Barb was our friend today. I have re-named this WOD it is barbara is a b****!! 33:39 rx
29:36 Rx–Barbara–yep…we are thinking about you Lou.
Great work to the Mud runners and the sprint triathletes. Lesley shaving 10 minutes off–amazing!
This hopper week should keep us hopping.
oh yeah, the mud run was super cool. Any time you get a waterslide wedgie and mud up your nose at the same time, you know you're having fun.
Handstand pushups
Ring dips
26:05 1/2 band for ring dips and toes on 24" box for handstands
Congrats to the mud runners and sprint triathlon folks
Rhonda we will be praying for Lou and if you need anything let us know.
WOD's picked out of hopper today were:
As Jaime put it so elegantly, she and I did "Barbara";
Time was 24:39, PR by 3 min!!!
What will tomorrow bring?! 🙂
Stacy says….
"JT" 18:09??
24" HSPU and banded ring dips
Melanie said…
I went walking with Anne today. She was her usual cheerful self! 🙂 She said she is having her 2nd surgery tomorrow and would love our prayers. I told her I would let everyone know on the website! She is really missing crossfit and can't wait to come back!
I have really missed crossfit..will be tough getting back into the swing after 2 months off..will try my best! I miss you guys! No, I didn't run off with the circus!!!
Melanie said…
We miss you, too, Ginny! We know how hard it is to have to miss crossfit. Hope you can come back soon! 🙂 Lou, we are praying for you and thinking about you a lot!!!!
Melanie said…
35:33/knee pushups
Daniel….rowing plus 1.5" band and 45# thrusters
24" box dips (double on the dips! Thanks Erin!)
17" on HSPU