Great family photo for the Tavares and Jodie send-off!
We love you guys!
Join us this Saturday, August 26th, at 0900 for a FREE trial class!
NO fitness experience is needed!
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Festivus Games October 2023
Partner WOD
Midwest Fall Classic WOD 1, “Devil Wears Prada”
6 Rounds, partners alternate full rounds of:
10 Calories rowed
10 Burpees over rower
6 Rounds, partners alternate full rounds of:
8 Alternating dumbbell snatches (70/50)
8 Dumbbell goblet squats (70/50)
6 Rounds, partners alternate full rounds of:
6 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 Alternating pistols
For time
(15:00 cap)*
*MFC cap is 12:00
…Rest 8:00 and then…
As many reps as possible in 5:00 of:
150 Double-unders
Max handstand walk in the remaining time
2-minute rest after the 5-minute
2 Rounds for score*
*Every 5-ft handstand walk is 1-rep
Post results and experiences to comments
Team Sape
14:11 Rx
We lacked 43 reps at the 12min cap)
Second part: 19, 12 Rx smoked shoulders!
What she said on part 1.
Part 2: 20 and 16 reps handstand walking
HS walking is feeling a little better, but I am still struggling to relax my breathing upside-down. I did get 15+ feet unbroken a few times, so #progress!
Partnered up with Justin. Justin was RX. I modified pistols.
14:39 finish
At 12:00 we had 46 reps to go.
Second part – 100DUs 3 ww first round 4 second round. I didn’t like how slick it felt over there and took it easy on the inversion.