Monday, 20 November 2023

We will be closed Thanksgiving Day.

One class at 0900 on Friday, 24 Nov.

Join us this Saturday, 25 Nov, for a FREE class at 0900!

No experience needed and everyone welcome!



“Incredible Hulk”

As many reps as possible in 20-minutes of the following:

5 Deadlifts* (115/73)

5 Hang power cleans

5 Front squats

5 Push-press

5 Back squats


For score

*use same barbell and weight throughout workout



Post results and experiences to comments

6 Responses
  1. sflynn

    286 Rx
    Did all rounds UB but very slow and intentional on squats. Discovered that if I really focus on keeping weight distributed throughout my big toe and heel, I had no knee pain. Really having to relearn squat form is hard! But I was just happy to be able to squat without pain. This is a fun one! Shoulder killer!

  2. Amber Burkhart

    295 Rx
    (11 + 20)
    20 minutes felt like a really long time…
    Did first 2 rounds unbroken then started dropping after the front squats to get ready and reset the wrist and shoulder for the push press.