Monday, 18 October 2010

For Time

Run 400m
10 Burpee Pull-ups
20 Walking Lunges, each leg
30 Sit-ups
40 Squats
50 Double Unders

3 rounds

Post time to comments
14 Responses
  1. Angela

    46:48 w/ modifications
    20" JPLU

    CF time is like dog years…one week off feels like one month!! This wod was awfully rough but still felt good to be back w/ my CF fam! Thanks! All those Rx PLUs are pretty impressive, ladies!

  2. Danny

    Melanie said…31:39 singles
    I am laughing about the comment about Robert! 🙂 Congrats, Angela, on doing the Chicago marathon! Great job everyone! This WOD was so tiring that I did part of my squats in the last round with my eyes closed! Then, I had to open my eyes for the rest because my form was lacking!!! 🙂 But, I did enjoy this WOD!!! I'd like to do it again!

  3. Michel

    So great to see everyone today! It was a full house and welcome back Angela, Coby, Debbie…its good to have you with us again!

    4 Rounds – 19:12
    400 M Run
    50 Squats

  4. Lesley

    That was quite a WOD! Yes, the burpee pullup does sound like Robert. You should have seen him demonstrate the burpee-pullup-knee to elbow combo! 🙂
    33:25 w/singles

  5. Ginny

    34:5l singles… I thought the burpee pullups were gonna be horrible, but they were kinda fun! (way better than straight burpees)

    My legs are quivery!!!

    Robert…I haven't done a handstand without the wall in over 25 yrs!

  6. Amber

    Stacy says……
    36:?? I ended up rowing instead of running b/c I jacked up my knee this weekend. First round I did DU's and round 2/3 were singles.