Monday, 18 December 2023

Join us this Saturday, 23 Dec at 0900 for a FREE class!

No experience is needed, everyone is invited!


2 Complexes* @ 45%

2 Complexes @ 55%

2 Complexes @ 65%

1 Complex @ 70%

1 Complex @ 75%

1 Complex @ 80%

1 Complex @ 85%


For quality

*1 Clean deadlift ⇒ 1 Clean ⇒ 1 Jerk



50 Double-unders

10 Power cleans (115/78)

50 Double-unders

15 Front squats (115/78)

3:00 Rest


3 Rounds for time



Post results and experiences to comments

10 Responses
  1. Henry Smith

    Swod- worked up to 185# power clean. Knee still healing.

    Cwod – cap 18:52. 95# clean and body weight squats.

  2. White Ape

    Snatch work up to 75% 1-RM
    1-RM C&J 215#

    Rd 1 – 2:16
    Rd 2 – 2:19
    Rd 3 – 2:15
    Total – 12:50 Rx

    Great WOD!!

  3. Michelle Milstead

    Worked up to 68#

    Did half the dubs each round and they felt ok. I did a single between each double.
    53# cleans and front squats. The front squats were really tough.

      1. Michelle Milstead

        Had a hard time getting comfortable to sleep on either hip after this WOD but was also the first time doing heavier weighted squats. Trying to figure out if I’m just sore or if it was too much weight for my hip. My hip feels a little buggy today. Both hips do.

  4. Crystal Stine

    SWOD: worked out to 63#
    CWOD: mod did the 70+ numbers.
    only finished one round. Jump rope killed me tonight. Second round finished one round of jump rope and one clean. did 43#
    total time 19:59

  5. Anniee

    worked up to 88#

    RD 1: 3:56
    RD 2: 4:24
    RD 3: 5:28
    Total:: 19:48Rx

    2nd day back from vacation. That was rough