Monday, 17 October 2022

No class on Saturday, Oct 22nd as MPCF is hosting Festivus Games!

Come on out and support all the athletes!



Festivus Games 2022 WOD 1

“Slow Down, I Need to Catch My Breath!”

Partner WOD, partners alternate exercises


As many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of the following:

20 Box Overs (24/20″)

20 Plate ground to overhead (45/25)*

20 Sit-ups


For score

*novice/masters standards will be posted at gym


…Rest 10:00 then…


Festivus Games 2022 WOD 3

“This is What We Call Fun!”

Partner WOD, partners may split reps however they see fit


15 Synchro toes-above-hips

30 Wall ball shots (20/14) to (10/9′)*

15 Plate hop burpees (45/25)


4 Rounds for time

(10:00 cap)



Post results and experiences to comments

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