Partner WOD
7-minute AMRAP* of (alternating rounds):
10/8 Calories biked
7 Strict pull-ups
…Rest 3-minutes, then…
7-minute AMRAP of (alternating rounds):
10/8 Calories biked
7 Push-ups
…Rest 3-minutes, then…
7-minute AMRAP of (alternating rounds):
10/8 Calories biked
15 Squats
For score(s)
*All performed with a (20/14) vest, if available
…Rest/warm-up 10-minutes, then…
Clean & Jerk (155/103)
Max reps* in 3:00 for partner teams
*Only one team member can be performing work at a time. If separate bars are used, non-working partner cannot touch their bar until working partner’s bar is on the ground.
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