Monday, 15 March 2010

South Central Sectionals

WOD #1

Row 500m
10 Squat Cleans w/ finishing overhead* (135/83)
10 Pull-ups (Strict or Kipping)

3 rounds for time

Post time to comments

‘Finishing overhead’ means that you do a standard squat clean, then you get the weight overhead however you choose. You can do a push-press, push-jerk, thruster, shoulder press, however; as long as it gets fully overhead. Also, no butterfly pull-ups; strict or kipping, chin over bar. There will NOT be a 20 minute time limit on this WOD, like there was at sectionals. Just know that at sectionals, a competitor had to complete this WOD in under 20 min/RX to be in the running to for Regionals. Good Luck and Too Easy! 🙂
15 Responses
  1. erin

    Lol just don't take the front of your shin off like I did 😉
    so awesome to see and judge the competitors this weekend! ( may not have a voice tmrw tho :- o ) haha great to see Robert made it out to watch! Wanna see some MPers in competion next year 😉

  2. Amber

    Had fun this weekend judging sectionals. Like Erin I am a little hoarse but it is hard not to encourage the competitors. Overall it was a great experience and I loved meeting new people and seeing old friends.

  3. Robert

    Erin, Amber and Stacy–thank you for all you did–great to see you holding the MP flag this weekend. That was a fun event! I was on call so I had to be in and out.

    I appreciated how hard this workout was when I spectated it but doing it mad me appreciate the difficulty even more.

    29:03 Rx

    Danny, amazing job! You rock! Thanks Erin for the excellent coaching.

  4. Danny

    19:46 RX Great job everybody! Erin, thanks for the coaching and encouragement! Robert, thanks for pushing and encouraging me!

  5. MP Jimmy

    14:49 RX

    MY CONDITIONING SUCKS!!!! I cannot wait to get back to MPCF! Granted, I did use metal weights, which I had to 'set' down; and the gym was packed, making me wait each round for 10-15 sec for the one real PLU station. Plus, I still have pulled tendons in my thumb from my combatives course.

    All that aside, I still sucked! Oh how I dream of WOD'n at MP. I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

    To all, Strong work!

  6. Michel

    That one got me! I was toast at the end, but loved it. Great WODin with Amber, Stacy, Jaime and Anne. You ladies inspire! Thanks for the coaching Erin!

    45 lb Squat Cleans, no wall ball
    1" and 1 1/4" band

    Form at 55 lb was way off. Cleans I need work on.

  7. Stacy J

    21:22 with 85lbs and I used the thong for pullups. This is my 2nd WOD with the thong. It's much harder but I want to do real pullups within 2 months.

  8. Michel

    That is awesome Stacy about the pull-ups. I am moving in that direction so great work and I am going to follow that plan and your lead. Well done!