Monday, 13 May 2024

THANK YOU to our amazing Festivus volunteers!

Join us on Memorial Day, May 27, at 0900. There will be a potluck BBQ after the WOD.

Friends and family are welcome to WOD and/or eat!



As many rounds and reps as possible in 30-minutes of:

14/12 Calories biked/skied

14 Alternating front rack lunges (135/93)

7 Front squats (135/93)

14/12 Calories rowed

14 Alternating front rack lunges

7 Front squats


For score



Post results and experiences to comments

6 Responses
  1. megancyork

    207 Rx

    Just moving today.
    Been cycle syncing and my energy levels have dropped with my hormones so this was a nice one to just move and break when needed.

  2. White Ape

    329 @115#

    This week I am slowly getting my calf back to normal. But this was still hard even if I wasn’t cycle syncing! 😉

  3. Michelle Milstead

    70+ numbers
    Shoulder press instead of lunges. PVC pipe FSQ. Still healing my back injury. Felt good to move.