Join us this Friday, 15 Dec, for a FREE class at any class time.
No fitness experience needed and everyone is welcome!
0:30 Nose and toes handstand hold on wall*
0:30 Rest
0:30 Hollow hold
0:30 Rest
3 Sets for quality
*Athlete may also choose to work freestanding handstand holds based on ability
3 Burpee bar muscle-ups
12 Shuttle runs (25-ft down and back = 1 rep)
3 Burpee bar muscle-ups
3:00 Rest
5 Rounds for time
(30:00 cap)
Post results and experiences to comments
Total time 24:42 Rx
Rd 1-2:35
Rd 2-2:27
Rd 3-2:26
Rd 4-2:35
Rd 5-2:39
26:00 Rx
Lost 50 seconds the first round getting stuck on MUs. They started feeling good after the first round.
22:55 C2B mod
Rd 1- 2:14
Rd 2- 1:58
Rd 3- 2:17
Rd 4- 2:17
Rd 5- 2:14