Monday, 11 April 2022

Sign-up for the Nutrition Challenge and the Fitness Challenge!!

They both start TODAY!!

Join us this Friday, 15 April, for a FREE WOD at any class time. 

No CrossFit experience needed!

Get your MP spring/summer apparel HERE !




Partner WOD*

27 Thrusters (95/63)

21 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

15 Thrusters (135/93)

9 Bar muscle-ups


For time

(15:00 cap)

*Partner A completes full workout (max 7:30), then tags Partner B who completes full workout. Partners can adjust weights for each other.


…Rest 5:00 then…


Partner A completes 2:00 max calories bike/row*

Partner B completes 2:00 max calories bike/row*


For total calories
*One partner must row, and the other bike


Skill Work:

Plate push-ups

Advanced: 10/8 reps

Intermediate: 8/6 reps

Beginner: 6/4 reps

If performing box push-ups, athlete performs 10/8 per round


3 Sets for quality of positions



Post results and experience to comments