Join us this Fri, Oct 14th at any class for a FREE drop in!
No experience needed!
Partner WOD
4 Hang squat snatches (95/63)
8 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 Rounds, alternate full rounds
…Rest 2:00 then…
6 Squat snatches (135/93)
12 Handstand push-ups
4 Rounds, equal work
…Rest 2:00 then…
40 calorie sprint on each machine (ski/bike/row), equal calories
For time
(25:00 cap)
Post results and experiences to comments
Megan /Rugrat
Team “She Can’t Count” with Justin.
21:36 Rx
Strong work Justin! Thanks for dealing with my incredibly confused WOD brain! Ha! Counting during CrossFit is harder than actually doing CrossFit. 🙂