Monday, 10 March 2019

Old school pic, March 2016!

Online Judges Course: Click HERE



Option 1:

2019 CrossFit Games Open WOD 19.3

200-ft Dumbbell overhead lunge (50/35)

50 Dumbbell box step-ups(50/35) @ (24/20″)

50 Strict handstand push-ups

200-ft Handstand walk


For time

(10:00 cap)

See Masters and Scaled options HERE


Option 2:

Partner WOD

1500m Row

2 rounds of:

200-ft Alternating Lunges (partners switch every 20-ft)

30 Box Overs (20″)

20 GHD Sit-ups

30 Double Kettlebell Thrusters (53/35)


3000m Bike


For Time




Eye of the needle

Shoulder Fold

Saddle Sit

Twisted Cross



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