Monday, 09 October 2017

Fun weekend comp with the Ape and Vertical families at

Battle on the Plains!


Partner WOD*

Row 500m/Fat Bar Deadlift hold (115)

150 Double Unders/Fat Bar Front Rack hold

100 Calories Bike/Fat Bar Back Rack hold

50 Toes-2-Bar/Fat Bar Overhead hold


For Time


…rest 8:00

As many meters in 2 minutes of:

Partner wheel barrow

Rest 1:00, then in 5 minutes perform…

30 Burpee Box overs (24/20″)**

30 Overhead Lunges (25/15)

Max Rep Pull-ups


For total score

*Equal work required. Fat Bar can never touch the ground from “Go!” to “Time”. If it does 5 synchronized burpees must be performed. Same weight for all male and co-ed teams. All female is 80#.

**One person working on each at a time. Can be done simultaneously. Equal work on each required. Equal work not required on PLU.



Knees to Traps – 1:30

Elevated Cat – 1:30

2 Pike/2 Squat – 10 reps

Standing Pike – 1:30

Kneeling Achilles – 1:30/side

Butterfly – 1:30



Post time, score, and experiences to comments