Monday, 09 November 2009


AMRAP in 20 minutes

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats



AMRAP in 20 minutes

5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Pistols
15 Pull-ups

Post WOD choice with total number of completed rounds to comments

Compare to 15 JUL 09
11 Responses
  1. Michel

    14 full rounds – 5 PU short of 15
    1 1/2" band PLU – 1 1/2" PR
    Knee Push Ups
    5 PU short of 15

    July 15 was 16 Rounds with a 3" band

  2. Robert

    Cindy 18 –thank you Erin for watching my form on the pushups. I am a work in progress.

    Danny, I am speechless….amazing!

  3. Danny

    Melanie said…

    Cindy 13+ rounds/did this on Saturday 11/14/09
    used 1/4" band. Did knee pu. First WOD with 1/4" band/needed to do 1 more push up and the 15 squats to complete the round.