Monday, 08 January 2023

Join us this Friday, 12 January, for a FREE class!

No experience is needed! Everyone is welcome!



24 Pull-ups

24 Back squats* (75/53)

24 Bar-facing burpees


…Rest 1:00 then…


16 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

16 Front squats (95/63)

16 Bar-facing burpees


…Rest 1:00 then…


8 Bar muscle-ups

8 Overhead squats (115/78)

8 Bar-facing burpees


For time

(14:00 time cap)

*The bar must be cleaned and then placed on the back for back squats



Zombie Front Squats

3 @ 60% of 1-rm front squat

3 @ 65%

3 @ 68%

3 @ 70%

3 @ 73%


For quality



Post results and experiences to comments

7 Responses
  1. sflynn

    PLU 17/7
    CTB 10/3/3 (would have done 10/6 but my toes hit the mat on that 3rd one)
    BMU UB
    SWOD build to 143

  2. White Ape

    10:45 Rx
    Plu: 11/8/5
    C2B: 6/5/3/2
    MU: 3/2/1/1/1 chicken winged last 4 🙁
    All squats and burpees UB. Lol

    Worked up to 235#

  3. Justin Carpenter

    12 PLUs
    24 Back Squat
    24 bar facing burpees
    8 C2B
    16 front squat
    16 bar facing burpees
    4 MU
    8 OHS


  4. megancyork

    14:24 Rx

    Went 20 unbroken in the pull-ups

    C2B haven’t been feeling good lately but I made it through them

  5. Michelle Milstead

    Banded plu’s
    53# back squat
    Banded C2B
    53# front squat
    Banded C2B and red band ring dips
    Hit cap and didn’t get to the 8 OHS

    58# zombie squats

    It definitely felt like a Monday. I wasn’t mentally with it. Forgot my 1st 1 minute rest, tried to do ring dips on the 2nd round and did parallel bar burpees 8n 1st round. Ugh.

  6. Hayden Boyd

    back squats 75lbs
    24plu blue band

    Front squats 95lbs
    16 plu blue band

    Overhead squats 105lbs
    8 plu 8 ring dips blue band