Sign up to compete or volunteer at Festivus HERE!!
Join us for our FREE days in April, Sat the 13th and Fri the 26th!
No fitness experience is needed and everyone is welcome!
Accessory Work:
10/side Kettlebell goblet hold bulgarian split squats*
1:30 Rest
3 Sets for quality
*Increase weight each round or stay the same weight each round
10 Toes to bar
10 Overhead squats (95/63)
10 Rounds for time
Post results and experiences to comments
14:31 Rx
First two rounds TTB UB but then went to 6/4 and last round 7/3
20:31 mod sit ups #22 OHS to 18in box
Struggle bus!
Made it through 7 rounds.
Didn’t warm up my shoulders well switched to v-ups and back squats after round 3