Monday, 06 June 2022


9 Deadlifts @ 60% of 1-RM*

3 Box jumps (30/24″)

…rest 90 seconds, then…

7 Deadlifts @ 70%

3 Box jumps (30/24″)

…rest 90 seconds, then…

5 Deadlifts @ 80%

3 Box jumps (30/24″)

…rest 90 seconds, then…

3 Deadlifts @ 90%

3 Box jumps (30/24″)

…rest 90 seconds, then…

1 Deadlifts @ 95%

3 Box jumps (30/24″)


For time and quality

*Athlete must change load during the rest period. Scale percentages as needed.


15 Hollow-arch swings on bar holding yoga block between ankles

1:00 Rest

10 Kipping pull-ups holding yoga block between ankles*

1:00 Rest


3 Rounds for quality

*If athlete is unable to perform kipping pull-ups, scale to 0:30 max strict banded pull-ups



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