Monday, 06 January 2020

Sign up if you plan to participate in the MP competition the Saturday, 0900-1400’ish.


General Warm-up:

2 rounds of:

Row 15/12 Calories

8 Spiders

7 T-Push-ups

8 Sit-ups

7 Squats

8 Shoulder press w/T’s


Ski 12/8 calories

20m Walking Lunges

40m D-ball high carry

Bike 15/12 Calories


Specific Warm-up:

2 cycles of Burgener Clean warm-up

7 HPC (45/33)*

8 Lunges

7 S2OH


5 HPC (65/43)

6 Lunges

5 S2OH


3 HPC (85/53)

4 Lunges

3 S2OH


2 HPC (95/63)

2 Lunges

2 S2OH


*Warn-up weights shown are for an Rx load athlete. Adjust as needed.


Strength & Conditioning:

Every minute on the minute for 15-minutes, perform†:

5 Hang power cleans*

6 Alternating front rack lunges

7 Shoulder-2-overhead**


For successful completion each minute and max additional reps**

†At the start of each minute, perform one round only, then rest the remainder of the minute. Continue this through the 15 minutes. After every 5 minutes, increase the load ONLY IF you were successful each of the 5 previous rounds. If you missed one, you have to stay at the same load, and then you can increase the load after the next 5 minute mark. On the last round, **perform max additional reps of S2OH with the remainder of the minute.


Minutes 0-5: Rx (75/53), 55+ (65/43)

Minutes 5-10: Rx (95/63), 55+ (75/53)

Minutes 11-15: Rx (115/73), 55+ (95/63)




Sink mobilization

Spine smash

Couch stretch



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