Monday, 06 April 2020

ATTENTION ALL!! With great sadness, the Health Zone will be closed Wednesday, 18 March until an unspecified date due to the COVID-19 outbreak. MP will be closed as well, until the HZ re-opens. Maintain your social distancing. At home WOD’s will be the daily post. As of now, the plan will be to gather at a designated spot on Saturday mornings for a group WOD for those interested. Some other random times and places may also be posted. Please check the website daily for more information.



CrossFit Open 2021 WOD 1

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10-minutes of:

10 Air squats

9 Dumbbell snatches, right arm (50/35)

10 Push-ups

9 Dumbbell snatches, left arm (50/35)


For score

Click here to register for Support Your Local Box Fundraiser

You can register for free or donate.


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 64



Post results and experiences to comments