Monday, 04 September 2023

Join us for a FREE trial class this Saturday, September 9, at 0900!

NO fitness experience is needed!

Click the link below to register to compete or volunteer at:

Festivus Games October 2023


Be advised, this is a longer WOD. There will be 15 minutes at the beginning of class for general warm-up.

If you want more, the gym will be open at 0830 for extra warm-up.


“12 Labors of MP” (Partner* edition)

100 Calories biked

100 Stationary barbell lunges (95/63)

100 Pull-ups

100 Double unders

100 Bar-over-burpees

100 Handstand push-ups

100 Calories skied

100 Kettlebell swings (53/35)

100 Hang squat cleans (95/63)

100 Crossover single unders

100 Sit-ups

909m Row*


For time

*Equal work, one working at a time. Teams chose where to put the row.



Post results and experiences to comments

4 Responses
  1. White Ape

    Partnered with Kile
    All Rx except Kile did 100 singles for his 50 crossovers

    Holy smokes! WAY longer than I had anticipated! Complete sweat fest!! Strong work to everyone who dared to show up!!