Join us for a FREE trial class this Saturday, September 9, at 0900!
NO fitness experience is needed!
Click the link below to register to compete or volunteer at:
Festivus Games October 2023
Be advised, this is a longer WOD. There will be 15 minutes at the beginning of class for general warm-up.
If you want more, the gym will be open at 0830 for extra warm-up.
“12 Labors of MP” (Partner* edition)
100 Calories biked
100 Stationary barbell lunges (95/63)
100 Pull-ups
100 Double unders
100 Bar-over-burpees
100 Handstand push-ups
100 Calories skied
100 Kettlebell swings (53/35)
100 Hang squat cleans (95/63)
100 Crossover single unders
100 Sit-ups
909m Row*
For time
*Equal work, one working at a time. Teams chose where to put the row.
Post results and experiences to comments
Partnered with Kile
All Rx except Kile did 100 singles for his 50 crossovers
Holy smokes! WAY longer than I had anticipated! Complete sweat fest!! Strong work to everyone who dared to show up!!
Partnered with Vernice. She’s amazing
86:13 Rx-ish
Partnered with Maggie
73:09 with Anniee
I modified HSPUs to 24in box and did singles for crossovers