Monday, 03 February 2020

No Iron Club this Thursday. Back to normal next Thursday.


General Warm-up:

2 rounds of:

Run 200/Row 250

8 Spiders

7 Army T-Push-ups

8 V-ups

7 Deep squats

8 Shoulder press w/T’s


Ski 12/8 calories

20m Farmers carry

40 second D-ball rock

10 KB swings



Run 400m

15 Handstand push-ups

20 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35)*

15 Box overs (24/20″)

Run 200m

15 Burpees

20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)

15 Glute-ham Sit-ups

Run 400m*


2 round for time

*Perform 10 thrusters with each arm, It is the athlete’c choice how to break those up. Combine the 400m run at the end of round 1 and beginning of round 2, and run the 800m route.



Half straddle

Pike stretch


Reclined spinal twist

Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 1*


MP CrossFit is again participating in the Royal Burpee Challenge. How to participate? On each day, perform that number of burpees all at once or throughout the day. MP rules differ slightly to the ones that are on the official website. If you have any questions, ask Dr. Hauger at the 0530 class. He is MORE than willing to fill you in. 🙂

MP Rules are:

  1. WOD burpees count
  2. Penalty burpees don’t
  3. Catching up is allows allowed.
  4. Getting ahead (banking) is NOT!
  5. All versions of burpees performed at MP are authorized. Want-a-be variations are not.



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