Monday, 01 November 2010


500m Row
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 07 AUG 10
14 Responses
  1. Patrice

    Sorry I missed today but I woke up Sunday with the flu. Today I feel ok but not quite up the CF challenge. Tomorrow I will be there–I promise! Here's to everyone having a new PR.

  2. Michel

    I was lame today at PLU…had to go up to 1" band for the last 3 and struggled after 5 on 1/2". I think my time was 6:46. Great work everyone! And thank for the kip help Jimmy…got work to do!

  3. Rhonda G

    5:11 MOD
    Knee PU – 1/2" band PLU
    Susan and I had a great race to the finish!! She won! That was fun even if she did kick my bootie!!
    Great job everyone! See ya tomorrow. Patrice please call if you need anything!

  4. MP Jimmy

    3:49 RX

    Not a PR. My legs are still smoked from Friday's WOD and the 15K. Plus, doing this by yourself is no fun! sniff, sniff. 🙂

    I know he did not post, but congratz to Tim for first RX Baseline! And congratz to Amber and Lesley on PR's by almost a minute!

  5. Angela

    Last baseline on 6/21…7:36 w/ 2.25" band PLU and knee PU.

    1" band PLU
    Knee PU

    Awesome PR! Now I need to work on Rx PU and PLU.