Partner WOD
Complete as many rounds* and reps as possible in 15-minutes of:
20′ Handstand walk (40′ Bear crawl)
5 Chest-2-bar
5 Burpees
5 Goblet squats (72/53)
For score*
*Partners alternate rounds. Each round is worth 19 points (1 pt for every 5′ of HS walk or ever 10′ bear crawl).
Every 90 seconds perform 4 connected reps*
Work to a heavy load
*Start at 25% of 1-rep max.
If 1RM is less than 320, increase by 20# after the first 5 sets, and then increase by 10# until failure.
If 1RM is more than 320, increase by 40# after the first 5 sets, and then increase by 20# until failure.
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