Friday, 30 June 2023

Join us this Saturday, 01 July, at 0900 for FREE!

No fitness experience needed!



Every minute on the minute for 6-minutes, perform:

Odd minutes: 3 Wall-walks

Even minutes: 6 Alternating dumbbell squat snatches*


For quality

*Increase dumbbell weight each round.



In 7-minute, perform:

800m Run

Heavy single snatch


For load


…rest 3-minutes, then…

8 Power snatches (135/93)

800m Run


For time

(7:00 cap)



Post results and experiences to comments

10 Responses
  1. Amber Burkhart

    25-30-35 on DB Squat Snatch

    Part 1: 103# (Run – 4:45ish)
    Part 2: 6:10 @83#

  2. sflynn

    103# snatch (only had two attempts so did 88, then 103)
    Hit 113# right after the beep and it felt great but didn’t count because I didn’t get the bar off the ground in time

    4:18 Rx
    Sets of 2 on the PS

    This WOD was so fun!

  3. Crystal Stine

    65# Snatch PR yay!!! (Was 50#)
    8:17 time
    Getting better at the TP (wall-walk progression)