Friday, 30 August 2024

Register to Compete or Volunteer for the Festivus Games 2024!



Partner WOD

Part 1:

Row 1200m


Part 2:

30 Pull-ups

40 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)

50 Box Jumps (20″)

60 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

50 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)

40 Handstand Push-ups

30 GHD sit-ups


Parts 1 & 2  for total time

(22:00 cap, if finished before, team gets more rest)

(Equal work, one member at a time working)

…now rest 3:00, then…


Part 3:

Max score* in 4-minutes of:

Double unders (4 pts.)

Crossover single unders (3 pts.)

Speed skips (2 pts.)

Single unders (1 pt.)


For score

*Athlete chooses which variation of jump rope they will do, then multiply the number of reps by the point value chosen. Add both team members score together for total score. Partners DO NOT have to chose same variation.



Post results and experiences to comments

7 Responses
  1. M. York

    Did a solo version with a 11am cap. Made it all the way through the wall balls

    340 dubs in 2 min. My calves are so tired of jumping 😅

  2. Jeff Fisher

    Partnered with Wade. 19:05 with modified HS PU.
    390 on the jump rope.

    I kind of want to try this solo. 🤠

  3. Christie Spears

    Shadowed Daniel/partnered with anniee
    Jump rope:798
    PLU: banded
    Db Snatch:20lb
    Box jump:16
    KB swing:20

  4. Crystal Stine

    Partner was Mindy
    21:43 I did RR 2 45 plates for box jumps, 25lb KB swing 20# snatches box to bench with ab pad for handstand PU.
    438 Mindy 80DU
    Crystal 118 singles

  5. Michelle Milstead

    Partnered with Lexie!
    Mod pull ups and HSPU’s
    30# DB and KB

    I tried dubs to start but kept catching so moved to crossovers. That was a good choice!