Friday, 26 April 2024

Join us TODAY at any class time for FREE!

No fitness experience is needed, and everyone is welcome!



Partner WOD, equal work required

800m Run/1000m Row/1000m Ski/2400m Bike

60 Power cleans (135/93)

800m Run/1000m Row/1000m Ski/2400m Bike

40 Clean and jerk (135/93)

800m Run/1000m Row/1000m Ski/2400m Bike

60 Shoulder to overhead (135/93)

800m Run/1000m Row/1000m Ski/2400m Bike


For time

(35:00 cap)



Post results and experiences to comments

5 Responses
  1. White Ape

    Partnered with Kile:
    30:56 Rx

    My movements felt good today. I held a 1:49 pace on the rower, upper 70s—low 80s on the bike, and a 1:53 pace on the skier.

    1. sflynn

      Shadowed Kile and biked the whole time
      Modifications due to an inflamed grip:
      70# DB clean for PC
      50# DB clean and throw for C&J
      53# SO for STOH