Friday, 26 April 2019

Celebrating some classic rock from 1988 with one of our MP Members, Ron Sage, 2nd from left.



3 rounds of:

20 Double Unders

3 Clean and Jerks (185/123)

6 Sit-ups Slammers (20/14)

12 Barbell Push-ups*

Rest 1:00†


…Run 800m and rest for a total of 9 minutes, then…

3 rounds of:

12 Barbell Push-ups*

6 Sit-ups Slammers

3 Clean and Jerks

20 Double Unders

Rest 1:00†


For Time

*Burpees-over-bar can be substituted

†Rest between rounds, but not after the 3rd round.


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 83



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