Friday, 23 April 2010

4 rounds for time

5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Ring Dips
15 Deadlifts (225/150)
20 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)

Run 400m or Row 500m with each round*

Post time to comments

*Do 2 rounds with a row and 2 rounds with a run. No specific order, just do 2 of each.
13 Responses
  1. Michel

    35 lb KBS
    24" HSPU
    Banded Ring Dips – 1 RD at 1" and 3 RD at 1 1/4"
    85 LB DL – best DL day ever with form. YES!

  2. Susan


    banded ring dips
    35# KBS
    135# DL

    0630 class worked hard this morning!

    have a great weekend!

  3. Danny

    Melanie said…

    24" knee hspu
    1" banded ring dips
    115 lb deadlifts
    Thanks, Jimmy, for your help on the KB. I will work on swinging the KB higher!!! GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!!!!! 🙂

  4. patricelott

    20" knee HSPU
    85 deadlifts
    part of KB swings done with 25 lb

    Good WOD. Have a great weekend and see everyone Monday!

  5. Jaime

    31:08 tried to get it under 30 but it didn't happen
    24" box hspu on toes
    1/2" banded ring dips
    135 lb deadlifts (had to do an extra 5 reps because I started round 2 with a lighter setup)
    rowed all 4 rounds

  6. MP Jimmy

    26:23 RX

    I thought Erin and I were going to be forced inside to row all 4 rounds due to rain. However, the good Lord saw fit to give us a break in the clouds on our last 2 rounds!

    Great job to everyone! This was a tough one, and you conquered it!

    MP will NOT be open tomorrow. I am out of town and Erin is attending an Olympic lifting seminar.

    See you Monday. Have an awesome weekend!

  7. erin

    RX ( except for hspu was in yoga block) I had to keep adding reps for not touching block :-p keep my self honest! I was so glad I didn't have to row each round! I was considering risking the lightening 😉 great push today guys!!