Friday, 22 May 2020

ATTENTION ALL!! With great joy, the Health Zone will be re-opening Tuesday, 26 May!!!! MP will be opening as well! We will have to maintain our social distancing, and some other guidelines, but we will be WOD’n again!! Please check the website daily for more information.



“No equipment needed”

Run 600m and rest in 4-minutes


Every minute on the minute for 12-minutes rotate through the following:

Minutes 1,4,7,10 – 20/15 Push-ups

Minutes 2,5,8,11 – 25 ft Handstand walk/50 ft Bear crawl

Minutes 3,6,9,12 – 45 second Hollow hold


Run 800m and rest in 5-minutes


Every minute on the minute for 12-minutes rotate through the following:

Minutes 1,4,7,10 – 12 burpees

Minutes 2,5,8,11 – 25 ft Handstand walk/50 ft Bear crawl

Minutes 3,6,9,12 – 45 second Plank hold


Run 600 for time


For completion*

Note any minutes not completed

Compare to Friday, 27 March 2020


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 109



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