Friday, 22 January 2021

Congratulations to team “Whey Too Old” at KO in the OK! Ape Strong!

Come join us at our new location: 6024 S. Sheridan Rd.


As many rounds and reps as possible in 20min of:

500m Row

60 Single-unders

30 Alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35)

30 Double-unders

15 Burpees


For total score, each round worth 145 points

(Row is worth 1 point every 50m for a total of 10 points)


Core Work:

15 V-ups

15 Tuck crunches

0:20 Hollow hold

0:20 Arch hold


5 Sets*, rest 1:00 between sets

*Try to go unbroken on each set, while maintaining good form



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