Friday, 21 January 2011

Stacy doing what she had to with a bum shoulder!

21-15-9 rep rounds of:

Squat Snatch (95/65)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

For Time

Post time to comments

13 Responses
  1. Michel

    WODn on sunshine, and don't it feel good…Thanks Jimmy for coaching on form and going with less weight. Big difference!
    Round 1 at 45 lb, 2 and 3 at 32 lb
    1 1/2" Band Chest to Bar

  2. Danny

    Melanie said…

    10:08/substituted 21 Rx pu and 21 unanchored su for squat snatch…15…then 9…… Used skinny band for chest-to-bar plu.
    Thanks, Lesley, for not dropping the bar on me!!!! HA! HA!

    Great job everyone! 🙂

  3. Jaime

    Stacy, I'm impressed by your 1 armed filthy fifty. And great legs in this photo!!
    12:26 rx today. chest-to-bar ouch!

  4. MP Jimmy

    10:38 Rx

    The chest-to-bar were the hardest part. I got sloppy on one of the snatches and that caused me to have a failed rep! 🙁

    Glad to see all that showed today!

    FYI: Tomorrow's WOD, Saturday, will be at 0830 instead of 0900.

  5. Lesley

    Liking the 0830 start time!

    Congrats, Melanie, on all of those Rx pushups!!

    18:57, 45lb & 1" band (attempted chest to bar)
    Learned that squat snatches & power snatches are very different things!

  6. Angela

    32# and 1.5" PLU
    My PLUs were more like an in-between chin and chest. I guess I should have added another 0.5".

    I'm thoroughly impressed with all of Stacy's one-handed modifications! Great job tonight, ladies! Very fun wod'n with you!

  7. Stacy J

    one arm 35lb dumbbell snatch
    push ups rx

    thanks for all the props for my one armed feats but I'm really ready to use both arms again!! LOL