Friday, 18 September 2020


Partner WOD

2 Min AMCAP row

Rest 2 min, then:


8 Min AMRAP (equal work) of:

10 Pull-ups

20 Sit-ups

10 Wallball push-ups

20 Stationary alternating lunges


Rest 2 min, then

2 Min AMCAP bike


For time and total calories



Option 1:

Make up or redo 1-rep max


Option 2:

Pick a lift (SP, DL, HPC, Thruster, FSQ, BSQ, or OHS) and perform:

4 reps @ 55% 1RM

4 reps @ 65%

3 reps @ 75%

3 reps @ 85%

2 reps @ 90%

2 reps @ 90%

…rest 1-2 minutes, then…

Max reps at 90%


For quality and max reps



Post results and experiences to comments