CrossFit Games Open WOD #1
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches* (75/55)
Post number of completed rounds and extra reps to comments
(WOD courtesy of, see website for Masters weights)
*Power snatches can be performed in any way you choose. You just have to get weight from ground to overhead anyhow.
4rds +24
45 #
Single JR
Great Jobe everyone! Way to got Robert on your Games WOD!
Michel awesome job doing the wod with 55#!!!!
177 MOD
45# Power Snatch
3 Rounds +30 DU and 12 Power Snatches.
178 Mod
55 lb Power Snatch
3 Full rounds + 90 Singles and 13 Power Snatches
Great work everyone! That was a doozy!
Melanie said…
4 rounds + 90 singles + 13 ground to overhead
mod: singles/45#
Great job everyone!!!! 🙂
225 rx 5 rounds
Improved my score!
6 rds, plus 30 DU, 13 Pwr Snatches
23 pt improve!
Great job today everyone! Congratz to Erin for a 40 pt improve!
Thanks Boss 😉
on tuesday I did 4 rds 30 DU and 5 snatches= 215
today: 5 rds 30 DU= 255!! 🙂
o my back is SORE!! Bad form Erin!!! 😛
272. Did 2 rounds and 62 singles
Rx on the weight!! Went slow but so happy Erin and Amber talked me into rxing the weight!!
Awesome job tonight Danny!
225 RX. 21 point improvement. Thanks Amber for all the yelling, and thanks to Brandy, Erin, and Lesley for all the encouragement! It really helped!
325 w/ singles
3 full rounds with Rx weight +10 singles. Jimmy convinced me that I could do 55# even if it was slow…so I did it! It was slow, not very pretty, and definitely difficult, but I'm glad I listened to my coach 😉 Thanks, Jimmy! I think that's the heaviest weight I've lifted (not including deadlifts though). Fun day at MPCF!
Congrats to Jimmy and Erin for both improving on their score from their earlier attempts!!
195 Rx. Well done to the re-WOD crew.