Friday, 18 August 2023

Join us today Friday, 18 August, at any class time for FREE!

No fitness experience is needed!



Festivus October 2023 Partner WODs #3 and #4

“Toss it, I’m Over it!”* (#3)

Row for calories in 13-minutes†


Complete as many rounds and reps† as possible in 13-minutes of:

5 Pull-ups

10 Floor press (2×50/35)

15 Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)

20 Box overs (24/20″)


For calories and score


…Rest 12:00, then…


“Get on Up, ‘n Git Down”* (#4)


Sumo deadlift high pull (95/65)


Synchro burpees over same bar


For time

(10:00 cap)


*If you have a better name suggestion, let me know. We can submit ideas until next month.

†One partner will be on the rower rowing, while the other partner performs a complete round. Once a round is finished, partners will switch and continue working. Partners will switch after each complete round.



Post results and experiences to comments

4 Responses
  1. Anniee

    Team: Steve / Anniee
    “toss it, i’m over it”
    need to pick up pace on “part B”, definitely could have gone faster

    • practice foot work on the box overs!

    “get on up…”
    break down reps as followed::
    6/8 (42)- steve first, 7/5/7/5/6 (30) – anniee first, 10/8 (18) – anniee first.
    steve will follow my pace on burpee.

  2. Henry Smith

    Partnered with Wade
    240 – wade did 20” box
    180 cals

    7:13 @ 65# and wade modified burpees to push-up plank.

  3. sflynn

    Part one:
    184 Cals
    265 Reps RX (I did first two rounds of pull-ups strict and then did last round kipping)

    Part two:
    5:26 Rx

    Fun WOD!