Friday, 17 December 2010

20-15-10-5 rep rounds of:

Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood)

…then Row 500m

For Time

Post time to comments
13 Responses
  1. Danny

    15:07 RX

    I am going to Austin this weekend to see family, and so I will miss the Christmas party:( I am very disappointed, but look forward to hearing about all of the fun. Lesley, thank you so much for all of your hard work in putting the party together! I enjoy working out with the MP CrossFitters, and especially enjoy the camaraderie. See ya'll Monday!

  2. Lesley

    21:20, 1 pood. Good work you guys that used those heavy KBs!

    Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night! We're going to have a great turnout! Danny, you will be missed! Hope you have a safe trip and good family time! I think the MP CF bunch is pretty great, too!

  3. Carmen

    16:04 1 inch plus thong and 20# kb swing 400 m run instead of row

    Jimmy, I tried to find a 25 pounder after the first round but couldn't. I'll do better next time! :o) Thanks for pushing me!!

  4. MP Jimmy

    12:01 RX

    I thought this WOD would be longer, but I am glad it wasn't. I was exhausted after the row. Good times!

    Congratz to Mary Cate Scroggins! She did her first WOD with RX pull-ups!! Strong work MC!

  5. Angela

    18:32 w/ 1 pood & 1.5" PLU

    This was harder than it looked on the board; maybe I'm just exhausted though.

    I cannot wait for our fun MPCF party tomorrow night!! Big thanks to Lesley for inviting us all into her home. See you there!