Friday, 16 October 2009

Good luck ladies! Have Fun! 🙂

Run 400m
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)
15 Burpees

4 rounds for time

Post time to comments

7 Responses
  1. Angie

    Scaled to 45 lbs after 1st 10-OHS My shoulders are shot from all the thrusters lately!

    Good job 5:30 guys!!

  2. Michel

    26:04 MOD

    First time doing OHS with weights!
    20 lb OHS

    Everyone rocked this week! Thanks Erin for everything! 5:30 and 6:30 have a great weekend!

  3. Danny

    21:37 RX

    Great job 5:30's! Thanks for the encouragement Clint! Thanks for the help Erin. Have a great weekend! -Danny

  4. erin

    great job guys! (especailly with thruster awarness week 😉 Good Luck Rhonda, Patrice and Lisette!

  5. Vernice

    28:03 34lb Thrusters, row

    Great job to 5:30 & 6:30. This was a hard week.

    Good luck Team in Training Girls, we are proud of you. See you on Skype (sp?) tomorrow.

    Erin, have a great time at the concert.