10/8 Calories rowed
10 Deadlifts (50% 1RM)*
10/8 Calories rowed
8 Deadlifts (60% 1RM)
10/8 Calories rowed
6 Deadlifts (70% 1RM)
10/8 Calories rowed
4 Deadlifts (80% 1RM)
10/8 Calories rowed
Max rep Deadlifts* (90% 1RM)
For Time
*Only one bar used. Athlete must change weights. 90% must be unbroken, “touch and go”, pausing at top of lift is authorized.
2019 CrossFit Games Open WOD 19.4 (Night class option ONLY)
3 rounds of:
10 Snatches (95/65)
12 Bar-facing-burpees
…rest 3 minutes, then…
3 rounds of:
10 Bar muscle-ups
12 Bar-facing-burpees
For time
(12 minute cap)
Spine smash
Reclined spinal twist
Left straddle
Right straddle
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