Friday, 14 June 2019


Strength & Conditioning:

“A Fool’s Choice”

Build WOD, then perform 5 rounds of:

*Part 1, choose one:

10 Back squats (135/93)

12 Front Squats (115/73)

14 Overhead squats (95/63)

*Part 2, choose one:

4 Bar muscle-ups

8 Chest-2-bar pull-ups

11 Pull-ups

*Part 3, choose one:

10 Hang cleans (135/93)

12 Hang cleans (115/73)

14 Hang cleans (95/63)


For time

*Pick one move, load and rep scheme from each part to create your “Fool’s Choice”, and then perform 5 rounds for time.



Post choice, results, and experiences to comments