Friday, 13 November 2009

4 rounds for time of:

Run 400m
40 Sit-ups (unanchored)
40 Squats

Post time to comments
11 Responses
  1. Angie

    Stayed home to work on double unders. Some days I "get it" and some days I don't. Today is a "don't". But I got a decent workout anyway. See you all Monday.

  2. Michel

    Awesome workout!! And Susan thanks for the Prefontaine warm up run…

    25:11 RX

    Yes, that is an RX. I don't get many, but I am on my way. Thanks Erin and everyone for a great week and have a marvelous weekend! Right on Jimmy!

  3. hhaUkA943sYt6eAL_.qtpIt_4todtfM-

    If only I could run like Erin and do situps like Melanie. Big props to Anne for her 1st RX. You make me proud girls.


  4. Vernice

    I have been home with a yucky virus since Wed afternoon. Hope to be back with all my CF buddies Monday. Have a great weekend everyone.

  5. Danny

    Melanie said…

    Vernice, I am so sorry that you have been sick. Viruses are tough! Hope you feel better soon and are back at CF. 🙂