Complete as many reps* as possible in 3:00 of:
30 Double unders
20/16 Calories row/bike/ski**
10 Shoulder-to-overhead (95/63)
Max rep burpees-over-bar
…rest at 1:00, then repeat…
7 round for score
*Total burpees is the score of max reps
**Each apparatus must be used at least twice
Post results and experiences to comments
54 RX
Row, ski, row, bike, ski, bike, row
Bike def slowed me down & got my lungs. UB on double unders.
Did some work… And got in a fight with the jump rope 🙄
33rx I skied 3x
66 Rx
That was tiring!!
I did row-ski-row-ski-row-bike-bike
Maybe next time throw one of the bike rounds in round 3.
And gosh darn it, do burpees to the buzzer! Don’t stop with 7 seconds left to get more rest!
Caught once each round 1 and 6 on DU.
38 burpees
43 # – R shoulder injury
I wanted to quit BIG TIME on the 6th round. I barely finished the bike to start the OH so I stopped thinking they didn’t count. I could have gotten a few in before time.. THIS ONE SUCKED physically and mentally. Thanks Christie for cheering me on!
P.S. Since I’m a good athlete, I figured I better post. 😜
Scaled to 70+ numbers and did 53# strict press. Also did “strict” burpees over bar.