Join us this Saturday, 12 August, at 0900 for FREE!
No fitness experience is needed!
400m Run
8 Bar muscle-ups
16 Alternating dumbbell snatches (70/50)
3 Rounds for time
WOD inspired by the 2023 CrossFit Games “Helena”
Post results and experiences to comments
Rx weight/run
Mod to ring rigs and banded dips; my hands are healing I didn’t want to rip them.
Tried to push my pace on my run and keep my breath. I think it worked out. Worked bigger sets on the snatches.
17:54 – mod 50#
MUs were singles. They felt good! Back has still been stiff so I went light on the snatches.
Jumping MUs
Rx Weight and Run
First time doing jumping MU and those felt good. Excited to keep working on them and getting to Rx.
Didn’t think I would be able to do the snatch weight, but pretty proud I pushed myself and was able to do the last set unbroken
Again # not a games athlete just an old grandma brim Bristow OK.
I did 24” box jumping mu’s on the second bar from left. They felt good!
Did Rx DB snatches
The heat was no joke today! Especially on the new blacktop!!
I did ring rows and drips with the stair stepper. first round 400m second 300m. hip was hurting did the bike .6 3rd round.
did one set #30 dropped to #25 last 2 rounds. Today was not my best day.