Friday, 10 April 2020

ATTENTION ALL!! With great sadness, the Health Zone will be closed Wednesday, 18 March until an unspecified date due to the COVID-19 outbreak. MP will be closed as well, until the HZ re-opens. Maintain your social distancing. At home WOD’s will be the daily post. As of now, the plan will be to gather at a designated spot on Saturday mornings for a group WOD for those interested. Some other random times and places may also be posted. Please check the website daily for more information.

We will be meeting Friday for a group WOD (not posted) at Coach Sarah’s home gym at 1000 maintaining social distancing. Text Coach Jimmy for specifics and directions if you plan to attend.

We will be meeting Saturday at the HZ parking lot at 1000 for a group WOD maintaining social distancing.



Run 1 mile


4 round of:

20 V-ups

20 Tuck crunches

20 seconds hollow hold

20 seconds Superman hold


Run 1 mile


For time


Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:

Day 68



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