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Snatch OR Clean and jerk (athlete’s choice)
On an EMOM clock:
1 @ 70%
1 @ 70%
1 @ 70%
1 @ 70%
1 @ 75%
1 @ 75%
1 @ 75%
1 @ 75%
1 @ 80%
1 @ 80%
1 @ 80%
1 @ 80%
For quality and technique work
As many rounds and reps in 7-minutes of the following:
1 Squat snatch (135/93)
3 Power clean and jerk (135/93)
5 Box jump overs (30/24″)
For score
Post results and experiences to comments
Did snatch on the strength WOD.
49 on the conditioning WOD
55# for snatch & C&J.
SWOD built to 4 reps at 103# snatch and 4 reps at 128# clean and jerk
CWOD: 63 Rx
Built up to 52# squat snatch. This is the heaviest snatch I’ve done since surgery and they felt good. But I need to focus on squeez8ng the quads and really getting that full extension instead if just getting under the bar quickly. I need to trust that I can get under that bar with the full extension. On the last set of 80% I caught the snatch in power and rode it down to a squat.
52# Snatch and C&J
14# box jump overs
I really had to fight for that last snatch and barely caight it in a squat.
Great workout though!
SWOD: (Coach Sarah and I did both)
Snatch, built up to 145
C&J, built up to 175
50 reps Rx
Coach was trying to help me stay calm and ease back into these WODs from my Korea trip…thanks Coach!! I needed the guidance!
I treated it like a 90 second EMOM. I still need to learn how to go slower even when I have plenty of time to complete the work. #workinprogress
You did AWESOME! I know pulling back is incredibly hard for you. Great job!!
Kile says:
Did both Snatch and C&J
Worked up to 120 on snatch and 155 on c&j
42 reps at 120#/30” box