FREE trial week, Saturday, Dec. 3rd – Saturday, Dec. 10th!
Join us for as many classes during the week as you like! No experience required!
Join us this Saturday, December 10, at 6pm for our potluck Christmas party!
Partner WOD*
21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds of…
Calories biked*
Thrusters (95/63)
For time
(30:00 cap)
*Partner A performs the round of 21 (calories and thrusters) then tags Partner B, who does the round of 21. This pattern is repeated for the rounds of 18-15-12-9.
Female athletes bike 18-15-12-9-6.
Post results and experiences to comments
Partnered with Justin
I was slow and broke the thrusters up way too much.
Shadowed Coach Sarah partnered with Kile
Sarah Rx
Kile at 85#
Me at 12# WB front squats
Strong work Coach and Kile!
This was a really fun WOD!