Friday, 08 March 2024

MP Masters eagerly watching the 24.2 announcement!!

Take the CrossFit  Judges Course HERE!

Option 1:

2024 CrossFit Games Open WOD 24.2

Complete s many rounds and reps as possible in 20-minutes of:

300m Row

10 Deadlifts (185/125)

50 Double unders


For score

Description and Standards can be found HERE


Option 2:

2024 CrossFit Games Open WOD 24.2 Strategy and Practice

Several options will be discussed at the gym for this option


Option 3:


2:00 Bike

2:00 Row

2:00 Ski

2:00 Rest


4 Rounds for quality and pacing



Post results and experiences to comments

2 Responses
  1. sflynn

    I cannot love this pic enough!!
    Did the EWOD today and used the row to kind of play with row pace on 24.2. The takeaway, go slower on the row than you think!