2000m Bike
20 Alternating dumbbell snatches (50/35)
20 Pull-ups
…rest 2:00, then…
750m Row
15 Dumbbell hang power clean and jerks (2×50/35)
15 Burpees over dumbbells
…rest 2:00, then…
600m Run
10 Single-arm dumbbell overhead squats left (50/35)
10 Single-arm dumbbell overhead squats right (50/35)
10 Bar muscle-ups
For time
(30:00 cap)
29:24 mod muscle-ups
Just moving today felt good.
30:03 mod 70+ getting back into the swing of things. My knee has been bothering me. Did 20lbs snatch and C&J did 4lb OHS to 20 in box. RR.
23:57 Rx
Need to get back to working on my muscle-ups. Broke them up 3-2-1-1-1-1-1. Chicken winged the last 3. 🙁